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(98 Likes) How do I remove this paint stain from a leather doll dress?

soft can be porous. Nail polish remover was torn off and damaged when the gum was soft. The softness of the rubber would make the Dell’s legs flexible. The leather stains on the dress are difficult to remove. Suggest you take the doll to a specialty store or get some pantyhose to cover the legs love doll maker for the doll. You would get them at a baby or children’s clothing store. Good luck I know your doll is loved and Cheris

(39 Likes) Where can I buy a silicone sex doll in India and how much would it cost?

> 1. Almost all dolls are made in China. 2. The technical threshold of this industry is very low. 3. But the quality of dolls in big factories will be relatively better. 7. Yes, you need to find conscientious factory to get the goods directly. That’s all I want to say. If you want to buy a doll, think about it, and the high price is not worth it. 8. But there are always people who

(78 Likes) How good is a sex doll?

also has a hundred or more acres, which makes the population in my area small. However, since the women here are married or taken, I have no one else to have a relationship with. Since I was feeling pretty lonely, I bought a high-end silicone sex doll that fulfills my wants and needs. Now that I’m happy with my high-end sex doll, I feel like I don’t need to go out and look for a date, I can just stay at home

(69 People Likes) When you were a child, what object always gave you goosebumps?

Eventually, after a few years, my mother moved to Branson. I think that’s why she felt compelled to get me exactly what I told her to do for Christmas. This year I was probably around 10 or 11, could have been a bit younger but I’m not sure how old it was. Well, when my mother asked me that year what I wanted for Christmas, I must have just seen a movie with a Vantriloquist doll because that’s what I wanted her to do and I had nothing else in mind in particular , which seemed to come to mind at that moment. Lo and behold, she gave it to me this year. It was your ordinary young van triloquist doll in a black pantsuit with a white undershirt and a monocle. After I had Christmas at Mom’s, I took the Vantriloquist doll home. At first I thought it was the coolest thing ever. But once I got bored with it and stopped playing with it as much, it started to really give me goosebumps, a little more each day. It got to the point where when I lay in bed at night it scared me to sit and look at myself in the dark. So I hopped out of bed, ran over and turned it over so it couldn’t see me. Soon I was so terrified by this Vantriloquist doll that I wouldn’t agree to just turning it to face the wall because I was going insane at the thought of her turning her doll’s head and looking at me after I fell asleep. So I had to strip it completely so it didn’t look so much like a little human and then bury it

(50 People Likes) Can the real interest rate be calculated from the base rate minus the inflation rate?

ual rate is the market rate. So if you were investing in Treasuries, you would be looking at market prices minus expected inflation. Here’s an easy way to do it. Go to Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates and select the interpolated interest rate for any benchmark. On February 6, 2018, the 10-year was at 2.70%. Then revise the search. Under “Interest Type” select “Daily Real Treasury Yield Rate”. Also in 2-6-18 it was 0.69%. This rate is the Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities or TIPS, which provides protection against inflation. The principal amount of a TIPS increases with inflation and decreases with deflation as measured by the consumer price index. When a TIPS matures, you will be paid the adjusted principal amount or the original principal amount, whichever is greater. TIPS pay interest twice a year at a fixed rate. The rate is applied to the adjusted capital; Hence interest payments, like principal, rise with inflation and fall with deflation. The delta (2.01%) is the market’s expectation for annual inflation for this period. In other words, the market expects to be in the same place – when they get 10 years from now

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